Strategy Name: Youth social and emotional well-being.
Strategy Statement: The Lee County Family Connection Collaborative will provide programs to build awareness of risky behaviors, increase community involvement, and leadership skills, to improve youth social and emotional well-being.

Junior Leadership Lee Academy provides opportunities annually for thirty eighth grade students. Designed to provide a community-wide collaborative effort to introduce students to their community, connecting them with leaders/mentors to address rural brain drain.
Students are selected through a competitive, but fair process. The group will be equitably diverse representative of the student population.
Core partners for this program include all Lee County partners Family Connection, School System, Chamber of Commerce, City of Leesburg, Board of Commissioners, and Library.
The Junior Ambassador program is open to all graduates of the Junior Leadership Lee Academy. Junior Ambassadors promotes development in the areas of ownership, mentorship, and relationships. This unique opportunity provides our Junior Ambassadors with the ability to build their connection to our community while building their confidence. Our goal is to provide everyone with the support they need to find their own success in high school and beyond.

REACH Georgia is the State of Georgia’s first needs-based mentorship and college scholarship program, launched in 2012 as a key component of the state’s Complete College Georgia Initiative.
REACH (Realizing Educational Achievement Can Happen) Georgia’s mission is to ensure that Georgia’s low income, academically promising students have the academic, social, and financial support needed to graduate from high school, access college, and achieve postsecondary success.
Currently in all 180 school systems throughout the state, REACH serves more than 4,000 students throughout Georgia.
REACH Georgia is administered by the Georgia Student Finance Authority (GSFA), a companion student finance entity of the Georgia Student Finance Commission (GSFC). GSFC is the state agency that administers the HOPE Scholarship and Grant Program as well as other state- and lottery-funded financial aid programs. GSFC also manages the career and college preparation website, and provides educational services such as free financial aid consultation and FAFSA completion assistance to high schools and postsecondary institutions across the state.
For more information